• Waters Edge Nature Center at Smith Lake
  • What is one of the best gifts you can give to someone - ALGONA BUCKS!
    Buying Algona Bucks is a win, win for everyone! Why?
    1) No processing or activation fees.
    2) Spend same as cash or check.
    3) No expiration date.
    4) Redeemable at 200+ Chamber member businesses around the area.
    5) Best of all – it benefits the Algona economy!
    Stop by the Chamber today to buy Algona Bucks 


    · Advertising coupons for Algona Publishing and KLGA / KLGZ  for new members with a paid membership

    · Member-to-Member discount deals

    · Participation in Algona Bucks program - - a members only program

    · Chamber website directory listing

             - Direct link to your business website

             - Share job openings, press releases, deals & promotions, special events, and more

    · Social Media sharing of posts

    · Promote your public events and specials in an email blast to all Chamber members

    · Weekly Chamber Newsletter / Update to keep informed on Chamber activities

    · Brochure / Business Card displayed at the Chamber

    · Ribbon Cutting Celebration and weekly Chamber coffee networking opportunities

         - Social Media highlights posts (2) when hosting a weekly Chamber coffee or ribbon cutting

    · Event sponsorship advertising opportunities

    · Invites to Chamber events at discounted ticket prices

    · Retail promotion opportunities -- strong retail businesses attract a customer base for all local businesses

    · Referrals from the Chamber - MEMBERS ALWAYS FIRST

    · Access to staffed office, open weekdays, for assistance

    · Contact information lists for Chamber members

    · Leadership through committee and task force involvement; opportunity to be involved with Chamber committees and task forces

    · Membership window decal


  • Algona Real Estate Agencies

    Farm and Home Services:  515-295-2401

    Landmark Realty:  515-295-7577

    Algona Rental Properties

    Algona Lofts:  515-512-5131

    Anne Rentals:  515-341-0390 hakohlhaas@gmail.com

    Baade Rentals:  515-341-5915

    Berte Rentals:  515-924-3697

    Clegg Real Estate & Rental, Wayne Clegg:  515-341-4555

    Davis Properties:  515-295-2117 or 515-320-3020

    Eastland Park Senior Apartments:  515-295-7797 or 515-320-3912

    HJK, Karl/Jodie Helgevold:  515-851-0602 or 515-851-1344

    John and Carol Hjelmeland:  515-295-7286

    Todd and Julie Herbst-Ulmer:  515-295-5954 or 515-341-0805

    Hunt Rental, Manger-Beth:  515-395-6101 or 515-341-3550

    John and Judy Jennings:  515-295-7102

    Todd Louwagie:  515-295-3256

    Maple Park:  515-295-5174

    Murphy Management:  515-295-2927

    TLC Properties, Brian Thul:  515-884-0022

    Weaver Properties:  515-295-9227 or 515-341-0104 www.buildingsvcsgroup.com





  • Real Estate

  • Upcoming Events Upcoming Events