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  • Waters Edge Nature Center at Smith Lake
  • Billy Offerman
    State Farm Insurance 
  • What is one of the best gifts you can give to someone - ALGONA BUCKS!
    Buying Algona Bucks is a win, win for everyone! Why?
    1) No processing or activation fees.
    2) Spend same as cash or check.
    3) No expiration date.
    4) Redeemable at 200+ Chamber member businesses around the area.
    5) Best of all – it benefits the Algona economy!
    Stop by the Chamber today to buy Algona Bucks 

  • Algona Real Estate Agencies

    Farm and Home Services:  515-295-2401

    Landmark Realty:  515-295-7577

    Algona Rental Properties

    Algona Lofts:  515-512-5131

    Anne Rentals:  515-341-0390 hakohlhaas@gmail.com

    Baade Rentals:  515-341-5915

    Berte Rentals:  515-924-3697

    Clegg Real Estate & Rental, Wayne Clegg:  515-341-4555

    Davis Properties:  515-295-2117 or 515-320-3020

    Eastland Park Senior Apartments:  515-295-7797 or 515-320-3912

    HJK, Karl/Jodie Helgevold:  515-851-0602 or 515-851-1344

    John and Carol Hjelmeland:  515-295-7286

    Todd and Julie Herbst-Ulmer:  515-295-5954 or 515-341-0805

    Hunt Rental, Manger-Beth:  515-395-6101 or 515-341-3550

    John and Judy Jennings:  515-295-7102

    Todd Louwagie:  515-295-3256

    Maple Park:  515-295-5174

    Murphy Management:  515-295-2927

    TLC Properties, Brian Thul:  515-884-0022

    Weaver Properties:  515-295-9227 or 515-341-0104 www.buildingsvcsgroup.com





    Belong to the Chamber… Who Me? Why?

    Why is it important and vital to your business to join the Chamber? Your support helps us achieve our mission of businesses and professionals, united to promote the business climate and quality of life in the Algona area.

    The Chamber is responsible for hosting a number of successful community and business networking events and activities throughout the year. With the help of so many great Chamber members and volunteers, we entice our residents and visitors to get involved. Each event we put on plays a huge role in making Algona a great place to work, visit, and live! These events are not possible without the help and support from our local businesses.

    The Chamber continues to work with City of Algona for economic development initiatives for Algona. If you are doing business in Algona, you are dependent upon the growth and prosperity of Algona to make your business become more profitable for you. When the city grows all businesses benefit. Working together we are stronger than working separately.

    With our membership management software, we have made a commitment to bring more opportunities to our members to promote their business. The software includes a website that we strive to continually update (visit www.algona.org). Staying on the cutting edge of technology is a commitment that the Board of Directors felt very strongly about as we look at ways to work for our business community. 

    Our communication process has been upgraded and updated to our members by doing a weekly email update. This allows us to provide timely information on community and Chamber activities and events. We have also increased our social media presence and hope that you might have noticed all the photos, posts, and updates on our activities & events. Please check out our Facebook page and like us so you can see all the things that are happening (https://www.facebook.com/AlgonaChamber). In addition, we have created a Facebook page dedicated to only Chamber member businesses where we will share your posts. Check out: https://www.facebook.com/AlgonaShopShare

    No town, or business, ever stands still. You either PROCEED or RECEDE. Our community is active NOW, competing for industries, new businesses, better roads, more housing, and everything else that will make us better, more prosperous, and a more pleasant place in which to live and do business.

    Together we accomplish more to continue to make Algona a stronger and more vibrant community. Let’s work together to strengthen, support, and energize Algona.

    We hope you see all the benefits of being part of the Chamber.



    · Advertising coupons for Algona Publishing and KLGA / KLGZ  for new members with a paid membership

    · Member-to-Member discount deals

    · Participation in Algona Bucks program - - a members only program

    · Chamber website directory listing

             - Direct link to your business website

             - Share job openings, press releases, deals & promotions, special events, and more

    · Social Media sharing of posts

    · Promote your public events and specials in an email blast to all Chamber members

    · Weekly Chamber Newsletter / Update to keep informed on Chamber activities

    · Brochure / Business Card displayed at the Chamber

    · Ribbon Cutting Celebration and weekly Chamber coffee networking opportunities

         - Social Media highlights posts (2) when hosting a weekly Chamber coffee or ribbon cutting

    · Event sponsorship advertising opportunities

    · Invites to Chamber events at discounted ticket prices

    · Retail promotion opportunities -- strong retail businesses attract a customer base for all local businesses

    · Referrals from the Chamber - MEMBERS ALWAYS FIRST

    · Access to staffed office, open weekdays, for assistance

    · Contact information lists for Chamber members

    · Leadership through committee and task force involvement; opportunity to be involved with Chamber committees and task forces

    · Membership window decal


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  • Upcoming Events Upcoming Events